At PhoneSubjects,

We are dedicated to bringing you the latest technology news, smartphone and gadget reviews, and more. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive and detailed information that you won’t find anywhere else.

Rishabh Sengar - Founder and Tech Blogger of

I am Rishabh Sengar. 

I’m a Tech Blogger by passion, Digital Marketing Strategist by profession, an Entrepreneur by choice, and an Engineer by degree.

Welcome to my Technology news and Gadgets review blog “”. If I talk about this blog, the only reason for starting this blog is my interest in technology and gadgets and that is why I started this blog in June 2019.

And apart from that, I had to learn digital marketing at that time, and then I met Mr. Abhay Ranjan Sir who is a Digital Marketing Specialist, Good Trainer, Motivational Speaker, YouTuber, and Great Blogger.

And if I say anything about him, it will be less, and if you want to know more about him, you can visit his official website “”.

And that time (June 2019), I took training from him and learned a lot while doing practicals on this blog “”. And due to his training and my hard work, this is what is today.

Thanks for your time & consideration. Keep supporting my work the way you’re doing.